Alpha v0.4.5 Released

Dialogue? Dialogue! These characters are finally contextualized in the plot.


v0.4.4 -> v0.4.5

Bug Fixes

- Status-related Memories no longer highlight when they didn't apply, remove, or boost anything.


- Added dialogue to the tutorial.
  This can be viewed again in the Library alongside cutscenes.
- Added a tutorial outro cutscene.
- Added a cutscene for starting a "real" run for the first time.

Quality of Life

- Clarified tooltips for cards that discard or exhaust other cards to power their effects.
- Clarified tooltip for Cricket's Synesthesia memory.
- Added a tooltip explaining which tiles are considered adjacent.
- Shortened Copy card text and gave it a clearer tooltip.


- Cards that can target both allies and enemies now have a different targeting field design.


- Grit and Fear no longer apply to Block gained from memory effects.
- Fear now halves each turn instead of decrementing.
- Certain path choices now only appear past certain depths.


- Torpor and Litany now inflict Dulled.


- Universal:
  - Added Evade, an Action which grants both Dodge and Fear.
  - Added Refine, an Action which exhausts your Gambits to gain Critical and Parry.
  - Added Defer, an Action which discards your Gambits to gain Initiative.
  - Added Concentrate, an Action which increases the potency of cards in hand this turn.
  - Added Stabilize, an Action which destroys all Banes in hand.
  - Added Exert, a Gambit which temporarily upgrades cards in hand but gives a permanent Bane.


- Seagull's Spectacles now increase in power when duplicates are gained.
- Crow's Descending Flame now has a 1 in 5 chance to draw when playing a Spell instead of a 1 in 3 chance.
- Added Bottled Echo, which causes the first status application of each battle to be boosted.
- Added Clackers, which deal 1 damage to all enemies on battle start.
- Added Reliable Edge, which prevents Focus less than 5 from decreasing on turn end.
- Added Reliable Guard, which prevents Grit less than 5 from decreasing on turn end.
- Added Promise of Renewal, which allows you to gain Stars from discarding items.
- Added Efficient Packing, which gives you 1 more item slot.
- Added Instinct, which increases your AP but destroys all your current Stars.
- Added One Kick 10,000 Times, which increases your AP but destroys your rightmost action.
- Added Enlightenment, which increases your GP but destroys all your current Items.
- Added Sublimation, which increases your GP but reduces your leftmost Memory's potency.

Files 153 MB
46 days ago 162 MB
46 days ago 159 MB
46 days ago

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