Alpha v0.4.4 Released

Got the bones of the scripted tutorial working! Please enjoy these mysterious new characters as I work on the dialogue system that will actually contextualize them in the story.

In addition, Butterfly, Seagull, Cricket and Crow now have all 50 of their planned cards! I'll continue to tweak their decks going forward, but this is a milestone for actually finishing the game.


v0.4.3 -> v0.4.4


- Added scripted tutorial.
  This can be replayed by resetting tutorials while on the main menu.
- Added Library menu, where cutscenes can be viewed again.


- AP/GP text on selected unit portraits now just has the current number of points (maximum can be seen through fill proportion).
- Added colours to AP/GP slash marks under unit health diamonds.
- Added preview for whether a card will inflict a debuff.
- Enemy-targeting Reload cards no longer show a red targeting tile on yourself when reloading.
- Party member names now briefly appear when they are selected.


- Added new revisions of the field and boss themes.

Quality of Life

- Made loading screen transitions smoother.


- Butterfly: Added Clear the Board, a Gambit which removes all stacks of all statuses on both yourself and your target, dealing damage for each.
- Seagull: Added Duality, a Gambit which inverts buffs and debuffs on its target.
- Cricket: Added Dropkick, a Gambit which deals more knockback the further your target is.
- Crow: Added Siphon, a Gambit which draws until your hand is full.
- Universal: Unusual cards now include Actions.
  - Added Rush, an Action which walks.
  - Added Vault, an Action which jumps.
  - Added Blink, an Action which teleports.
  - Added Breathe, an Action which grants 3 Recovery.
  - Added Alignment, an Action which removes offensive debuffs.
  - Added Stance, an Action which removes defensive debuffs.
  - Added Replay, an Action which draws a card from your Discard pile.
  - Added Dredge, an Action which draws a card from your Exhaust pile.
  - Added Adrenaline, an Action which gives AP but adds a permanent Bane.
  - Added Trance, an Action which gives GP but adds a permanent Bane.
  - Teamwork, Shove, Grapple, Sharpen, and Negate are now Rare rather than Common.
  - Stagger is now Golden rather than Common.


- Added Scented Candle, which grants 2 Focus on battle start.
- Added Engraved Lighter, which grants 2 Grit on battle start.
- Added Mist Sprayer, which causes all enemies to gain 2 Weakened on battle start.
- Added Plant Clipper, which causes all enemies to gain 2 Exposed on battle start.
- Added Camphor Balm, which grants 1 Nimble on battle start.
- Added Bloodthirst, which grants 2 Rally when you play your first attack card in each battle.
- Added Dark Matter, which transforms into one of your ally's memories.
- Added Practiced Lines, which grants 1 Form every 8 cards played.
- Added Playful Spirit, which has a 1 in 8 chance to grant 1 Dodge when playing a card.
- Added Brilliance, which reduces your reroll cost.

Files 159 MB
60 days ago 150 MB
60 days ago 156 MB
60 days ago

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