Alpha v0.4.0 Released (Mac + Linux Builds Available)

Mac and Linux builds are now available! I have no guarantee that they'll work, but please let me know if they don't.

Also, you can now kick enemies off ledges, and terrain can have unique effects. I now have no excuse to not start working on the game's story.


v0.3.5 -> v0.4.0

Bug Fixes

- Fixed edge case where knocking an enemy diagonally into two obstacles simultaneously wouldn't deal knockback damage.
- Fixed Sturdy/Fragile causing DoT damage to preview incorrectly.
- Fixed some Earth floor tiles having the wrong colour.


- Replaced placeholder art for Cinder Brake.
- Damage as a result of knockback is now previewed.
- Gave the memory item column in the Cauldron a different colour background for clarity.
- The green for improved card properties is now more distinct.
- Cards no longer appear on screen briefly after exiting the menu where you acquired them.
- Made checkboxes a little clearer between being checked vs. unchecked.
- Improved splash screen.
- Adjusted overall colour balance.
- Floor tiles no longer generate a tooltip.
- Coordinates are now displayed next to the cursor rather than as a tooltip.
- The camera no longer moves for overhead status effect notifications.


- Extended field music.


- You can now kick enemies off ledges.
  Inflicting knockback greater than a tenth of an enemy's current HP into a pit or empty tile will instantly defeat the enemy.
- There are now a variety of terrain effects.
  - Ice reduces movement cost. (Water, Metal)
  - Thorns deal 3 damage when ending movement on tile. (Metal, Earth)
  - Cinder inflicts 2 Burn when ending movement on tile. (Fire)
  - Energy grants 2 Focus when ending movement on tile. (Wood, Metal, Earth)
  - Wellspring heals 5 HP when ending movement on tile. (Fire, Water)
  - Mist grants Form when ending movement on tile. (Earth, Water, Wood)
  - Acid grants Vulnerable when ending movement on tile. (Fire, Wood)
- Card rewards no longer give duplicate choices.

Quality of Life

- Made several memory descriptions easier to understand.
- Made it clearer that you only get one reroll on standard rewards.
- Certain damage sources are now explained in the battle log.


- Added Wayfarer.


- Butterfly:
  - Added Lead By Example, a Gambit which gives you and your ally Pressure, Momentum, and Balance.
  - Added Striation, an Action which creates a temporary line of reduced movement cost.

- Seagull:
  - Added Alacrity, a Gambit which immediately triggers next-turn buffs like Rally, Vigor, Flow, and Initiative.
  - Added Lightfield, a Gambit which creates a zone of buffing tiles.

- Cricket:
  - Added Bob and Weave, a Gambit which grants high Block as well as Fear. A Fear removal card is shuffled into your draw pile.
  - Added Arcane Snare, an Action which creates a zone of damaging tiles.

- Crow:
  - Added Soul Sacrifice, a Gambit which self-inflicts Fray to gain AP and GP.
  - Added Channeling Circle, a Gambit which creates a zone of Critical-granting tiles.


- Bosses now each drop a unique item.
  - Nightmare Soul grants a permanent self-buffing Gambit, or Stars when discarded.
  - Pyre Soul grants a permanent AOE Burn Gambit, or Stars when discarded.
  - Kraken Soul grants a permanent status-clearing Gambit, or Stars when discarded.
  - Hydra Soul grants a permanent Copy Gambit, or Stars when discarded.
  - Titan Soul grants a permanent wall-exploding Gambit, or Stars when discarded.
  - Devourer Soul grants a permanent attack Gambit, or Stars when discarded.
- Added Mote of Fondness, which increases the potency of your most recent Memory.


- Added Isocahedron, which gives all attacks a 1 in 20 chance to be Critical.
- Added Black Tea, which inflicts Fear on units that attack you.
- Added White Tea, which allows you to carry over up to 8 Block from last turn.
- Added Rehearsal, which has a 1 in 5 chance to temporarily upgrade any card you play.
- Added Impetus, which has a 1 in 3 chance to reduce the cost of a card in hand when you play a card that costs more than 1.

Files 149 MB
Dec 16, 2024 152 MB
Dec 16, 2024 194 MB
Dec 16, 2024

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