Alpha v0.2.1 Released

I've started to replace the placeholder sound assets. It takes a surprisingly long time to get the sound to a place where I'm satisfied with it! Hopefully, when all is done, the game will sound thumpy but not overwhelming.


v0.2.0 -> v0.2.1


- Replaced several placeholder sounds.
  - Certain attacks' prep and cast
  - Hit impacts


- Tweaked item drop rates -- items mostly appear from the current biome pool, but can also appear from "neighbour" pools and the universal pool.

Quality of Life

- Attacks that aren't guaranteed to hit now display a percentage chance to hit on the target's health display.
- There is now a visual and sound effect for catching an enemy's aggro.
  - An enemy's aggro target is now also displayed on hover-over.
- DoT damage is now previewed on each unit's health display.


- Universal:
  - Added Mote of Dampening: Selected unit gains 2 Buffer.
  - Added Mote of Emptiness: Selected unit gains 2 Void.

- Shop:
  - Security now has 3 stacks to start.
  - Added Obstinacy: Selected unit fully heals, but loses 10 maximum HP.
  - Added Tenacity: Selected unit gains 5 maximum HP and heals that amount.
  - Added Lucidity: Give an Action Destroy and gain 15 Stars.

- Fire:
  - Added Frayed Wick: Selected card gains 3 potency this turn, but loses that much for the rest of the battle.
  - Added Wax Seal: Inflict 5 Burn on the selected party member and gain 5 Stars.
  - Added Entropic Coal: Set every unit's HP to half.

- Water:
  - Added Glittering Droplet: Reduce a gambit's cost by 3 this turn.
  - Added Splashbolt: Selected movement card gains 3 potency and loses 3 cost this turn.

- Wood:
  - Added Library Page: Gain a Star for every 5 cards your party has.
  - Added Golden Sapling: Give a non-scaling non-Exhaust/Opportunity gambit the Exhaust keyword, but also cause it to permanently gain 1 potency per play.

- Metal:
  - Added Carbon Dust: Boost an attack gambit's potency by 8 this battle.
  - Added Steel Mirror: Gain 1 AP and 1 GP, but also 1 Stunned and 1 Dazed.

- Earth:
  - Added Tumbled Stone: Selected non-Copying card gains 5 potency and 1 cost this battle.
  - Added Clay Weight: Give a gambit the Persist keyword.
  - Added Record Tablet: Give a card with charges (and cost > 0) the Reload keyword.

Files 78 MB
Jun 08, 2024

Get NOMIA (Alpha v0.2.6)

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