Alpha v0.1.2 Released

Hi, everyone! I've released v0.1.2 of the game based on feedback received last week. Thanks for taking the time to write it!
This update has some game-feel tuning -- particularly how a run progresses -- and more clear in-game info, like how far until the next boss wave.

I'm not sure what pace I want to target for updates, but I'll be continuing development as much as I can.


v0.1.1 -> v0.1.2

Bug Fixes

- Fixed edge case where enemies would have no points to spawn.
- Fixed coordinate sorting issue when moving players into next room.


- Knockback is now only consumed by movement, not collision, making chain knockbacks easier.
- Party now recovers 90% of lost HP after defeating a boss.
- Made Actions and Golden cards show up more often in drafts, especially if you haven't seen one for a while.
- Made swarm battles happen less often, and especially less often consecutively.
- Max number of enemies reduced from 10 to 8, to reduce information clutter.
- Bosses now happen every 12 rooms rather than 15.
- Doubled the number of rooms that can stay before oldest rooms get deleted.


- Added path descriptions on run start menu.
- Removed unit mouseover flavour text to reduce information clutter. Will probably put this in a codex or inspection window later.
- Gave self-targeting cards an arrow indicator.
- Reload cards no longer gray out when they can be reloaded.
- Made it clearer when cards were unplayable by graying out the cost icon too.
- Made Purge banner red and Improvement banner blue.
- Indicated when the next boss encounter will happen on the path choice menu.
- Added a record of chosen paths to expedition summary screen.

Quality of Life

- Allow selecting units and tiles even when activity is happening.
- Straightened out cards when hovering and made their movements snappier.
- Time dilation effects no longer override slow-mo/fast-forward.
- Vsync is now on by default.
- Minor performance improvements.


- Butterfly:
  - Spear now does 8 damage instead of 10.
  - Halberd now does 20 damage instead of 25.
  - Determination now overheats for 1 rather than 2.
  - Erosion has been reworked into a card that pulls aggro in a wide radius and then buffs your block gain.
  - Added a new card, Pressure, to be the attack-oriented equivalent of Momentum and Balance. Turbulent Flow, Typhoon and Shaft Strike now add copies of Pressure to your deck.

- Seagull:
  - Mend now removes a stack of all debuffs rather than healing.
  - Foresight no longer has a cooldown.
  - Optimism now gives Grit rather than Recovery.
  - Protectiveness now gives 15 Block rather than 12.
  - Shards of Light no longer inflicts Exposed.
  - Dazzle no longer pushes.

- Cricket:
  - Tackle now lunges and knockbacks 3 instead of 2.
  - Sand the Plank now has a range of 2, and pulls the target 1 tile.
  - Ripcut now removes 5 stacks of all buffs instead of 3, and pulls the target 1 tile.

- Crow:
  - Cloak of Feathers now grants 20 stacks of Resist instead of 10.
  - Flight no longer exhausts.

Files 66 MB
Mar 23, 2024

Get NOMIA (Alpha v0.4.6)

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